Targeted Mailing Lists by Century Direct

A targeted mailing list is crucial for any direct mail campaign. Hitting the right audience is half the battle; sending your message to the wrong people can be disastrous. At Century Direct, we ensure your message reaches the right audience, maximizing your campaign’s success.

Benefits of Targeted Direct Mail Lists

  • Reach a Specific, Qualified Audience: Target your ideal customers.
  • Tailor Your Messaging: Customize messages to meet the needs and desires of your target audience.
  • Higher Engagement: Increase relevance, engagement, and response rates.

Executing a successful targeted mailing can be complex, but Century Direct simplifies the process with our Full-Service Targeted Mailing option. No need for separate services; we handle everything in-house.

Our direct mail experts guide you through:

  • Defining your target geographic region and audience.
  • Advise the perfect mailing list.
  • Designing, printing, addressing, and mailing your pieces.
  • Using our on-site USPS Post Office for timely delivery.
  • Targeted Mailing Lists: Customized to your campaign needs.
  • Mailing Area Analysis: Identify the best areas to target.
  • Custom Design & Revisions: Perfect your mail pieces.
  • Direct Mail Printing: High-quality production.
  • Postage and Delivery: Managed in-house for efficiency.
  • In-House USPS Mail Verification: Ensuring accuracy.
  • Payment Options: Fit your budget.
  • Expert Guidance: From start to finish.

Selecting the right mailing list is crucial for your campaign’s success. At Century Direct, we match you to the perfect list. There are three types of mailing lists to suit your budget and campaign goals: internal mailing lists, compiled mailing lists, and response mailing lists. Here’s a detailed look at each:

Internal Mailing Lists

Creating a mailing list from your internal database offers several advantages:

  • Cost-Effective: It’s free to use.
  • Familiar Audience: These individuals are already aware of your brand, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
  • Automation Capabilities: Use direct mail automation to set up triggers and automatically send mail based on specific events or actions (e.g., lack of recent orders, webpage visits).
Targeted mailing lists

Compiled Mailing Lists

Compiled lists are ideal for location and demographic targeting and are generally more affordable than response lists. They use publicly available information to create targeted lists. For example:

  • Target Consumers: Focus on specific ZIP codes, marital status, and family composition.
  • Target Businesses: Narrow down by industry, sales volume, and other criteria.

Response Mailing Lists

Response mailing lists include people with specific interests or behaviors. These lists are highly targeted and offer thousands of data points to reach new audiences interested in your offerings. Examples include:

  • Competitor Customers: Individuals who have purchased from your competitors.
  • Interest-Based Targets: People who dine out frequently or are in the market for a new car.

Public and Paid Data

Business and consumer mailing lists can be based on various classifications like home value, age, or employee size. Some of this data is public and either free or low-cost. Other information, such as interest in buying a boat or a first home, can be more expensive but highly effective depending on your goals.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right target audience for your direct mail campaign will significantly impact your success. No matter who you aim to target, you have options. Leverage your knowledge of your target customer’s characteristics and seek assistance from a mailing list provider, such as a manager, broker, or compiler, to enhance your campaign.

What Clients Are Saying

“We have worked with Century Direct on a variety of challenging projects over the last decade.
Eric and his team have been great partners and always strive to find solutions to deliver a top-quality product, often on a tight timeline. We have successfully produced direct mail catalogs and post cards which have helped promote and strengthen our brand’s image.”

— Jenny Roberts, Pologeorgis

At Century Direct, our experienced consultants are ready to help you navigate postal regulations, design issues, logistics, and scheduling to ensure your campaign is accurate, on-time, and within budget. We offer multi-channel direct mail solutions, including printed mail, USPS informed delivery, and digital ads, all within our union shop framework to provide the highest standards of service.

  • Experienced, Knowledgeable Consultants: Receive expert recommendations to ensure accuracy, timeliness, and budget compliance.
  • Guidance on Postal Regulations and Design: Navigate logistics and scheduling with ease.
  • Multi-Channel Solutions: Combine printed mail, USPS informed delivery, and digital ads.
  • Union Shop: We proudly operate as a union shop, ensuring high standards and reliable service.

Let Century Direct be your trusted partner in executing precise, impactful direct mail campaigns.