Combining the Power of Addressable Advertising with Digital Ad Campaigns

Addressable advertising & media communications take many forms, but what’s truly important is that they can help you connect with the people who are best suited to respond positively to your message. In other words, it can provide you with a much bigger bang for your advertising buck! Let’s take a closer look at addressable advertising and media communications, along with how it can help you increase your profits with digital ad campaigns

What is addressable advertising?

Addressable advertising can mean many different things, depending on the specific audience. However, in general terms, this form of advertising has measurable and confirmable metrics that prove it has reached its target audience. 

Also known as addressable marketing or addressable media, the difference between addressable advertising and non-addressable advertising is stark. For example, non-addressable advertising could be a magazine ad. While it most likely will cause your phone to ring, it’s basically impossible to measure where their initial interest came from.

Addressable advertising, on the other hand, can be directly measured. Let’s say that you’re on Facebook, and you’ve looked up and/or clicked on several articles about WNBA star Caitlin Clark. Suddenly, you begin to see ads for Clark’s jerseys, t-shirts, etc. Facebook has used addressable advertising, combined with signal-based marketing, to capture your attention. Once you click on an ad, you’ve delivered a measurable and confirmable metric. Even better, because you’re interested in the topic, your odds of making a purchase shoot way up! 

Benefits of addressable advertising

As of 2022, a whopping 67% of marketers indicated they were using addressable advertising methods. This is no surprise, as there are many benefits involved with using data driven insight to improve sales. As you read through the following list, keep the Caitlin Clark example listed above in mind:  

  • Your ad or media communication is delivered to ideal candidates only. 

  • Your audience will receive media communication for things they’re actually interested in, which improves their customer experience. Provides you with critical data insights – in real-time, which will help you with future advertising needs.

  • You’ll receive detailed and accurate metrics, so you can make adjustments whenever necessary. 

  • Clients can be reached at any stage during their engagement process. 

  • Personalized communication can lead to a long-term relationship between your company and clients.  Has a customer abandoned their shopping cart? Century Direct can provide Direct Mail Campaigns to this specific audience! A reminder sent to them is 69% more effective than a normal sales-based email. [3] 

  • 59% of Americans enjoy receiving physical mail that introduces them to new products or services. [4]

Maximizing direct mail response with digital advertising campaigns

The marketing rule of seven helps explain why it’s best to combine your marketing efforts. Essentially, the more often someone sees an ad for something, the more likely they are to pay attention and, ultimately, to make a purchase. In fact, combining your direct mail with a digital advertising campaign can provide you with a staggering conversion rate of 40%! [1]After you’ve sent out direct mail, use the following digital advertising campaign tips to increase the overall effectiveness of both ads: 

Targeted Display Advertising 

Use your mailing list to target digital devices located in the same area. This will boost your signal by allowing people to receive your message multiple times. Furthermore, it will also extend your overall reach.

Creates Brand Awareness 

When someone sees your ad across multiple channels, they begin to feel more comfortable with the idea of buying something from your company. This leads to a 118% bump in response rates! [2] 

Essential elements for the best digital ad campaign performance

You want to create the best digital ad campaigns to go with your direct mail, and fortunately, we can help you do just that! 

Targeted mailing lists

Harness the power of your targeted mailing lists by using the same criteria when setting up your digital ads. You can—and should—make it so that you advertise to the same geographic regions that you sent your direct mail to. You can also drill down further by selecting specific ages, incomes, interests, etc. 

Data-driven insights in real-time to increase response rates

Do you want to improve the effectiveness of your marketing while simultaneously enhancing customer experience and predicting trends in consumer behavior? Of course you do, and that’s exactly what data driven insights can provide. Using the following tips can provide your digital ad campaigns with a major boost! 

  • Define realistic objectives 
  • Identify your consumer profiles 
  • Choose a mixture of data collection methods
  • Create an action plan 
  • Always monitor and refine your efforts, if necessary 
  • Release data-driven ad campaigns

And lastly, a responsive and engaging website will enhance your advertising efforts!

Addressable Advertising Companies: Your path to success

Finding a one-stop direct marketing communications company like Century Direct will allow you to achieve the best possible results! In fact, Century Direct can offer you omnichannel marketing campaigns, direct mail, real-time data insights,  and much more. Addressable advertising is also a major part of what we do. We’ve been in business since 1932, and we’ve got the expertise and experience to take your company to the next level. Learn more today!  


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This post was written by Eric Seid