Direct Mail Company

Dmail Marketing Company: What to Look For to Succeed

Dmail, better known as a direct mail marketing company, provides a tried-and-true method for connecting with your customers. In fact, the ROI for direct mail sits at approximately 1,300%, and it has an open rate of up to a staggering 90%! [1] Therefore, if you don’t currently work with a direct mailing company, it’s definitely time to find one. 

8 Things to look for in a direct mail marketing company

Direct mail partners need to do much more than simply send out direct mailers. To help you decide on the best partner for your business, we’ve put together the following list. 

1. Postal Experts 

Look for a direct mail marketing company that can rightfully call themselves postal experts. There are several different components involved in getting the optimal ROI. It’s critical not to choose a company that merely ships out a mailer without doing any of the little extra tasks that can make it a huge success. 

Research any company you’re considering utilizing to make sure they offer all the following postal services: 

  • Postal compliance assistance 
  • Mail piece design consultation
  • NCOA (National Change of Address) data cleaning and processing 
  • Route optimization 
  • Mail tracking 
  • Qualifies to receive automation discounts via USPS Workshare
  • Postal rate analysis 

Each item on the preceding list helps ensure that your direct mail will reach the right person, which is going to boost your ROI. 

2. Knowledgeable, Experienced Team

Another thing to consider is the level of knowledge that each direct mail marketing team brings to the table. After all, it’s easy to find tons of these companies, so you must drill down deeper to make sure they have the knowledge and experience necessary to make a difference. 

For instance, our company has been in business since 1932, and we offer addressable media and an omnichannel approach. This means that we’ll match your mailing list to IP addresses, thereby increasing accuracy. Once again, this can bump up your ROI. 

3. Understanding of Audience Segmentation & Targeting 

Any company can send out direct mailers to every address on your mailing list. This isn’t the best way to get a solid ROI, however. Instead, you need to find direct mail solutions that fully utilize audience segmentation and tracking methods

Let’s say that your business builds swimming pools for homes in the Ann Arbor, MI, area. You have two choices: 

  • Send a mailer to everyone in Ann Arbor 
  • Send a mailer to homeowners in Ann Arbor 

By choosing to send direct mail to homeowners only, you can increase your campaign’s ROI. This is the power of using strategic campaigns to target only the people who are in a position to have a positive response. 

4. Campaign Tracking

How can you know the true effectiveness of each campaign unless there are tracking measures in place? Quite simply, you can’t. But with the right campaign tracking method, you’ll be able to anticipate your staffing needs and eliminate unnecessary costs. 

We take pride in offering campaign tracking in real-time. We will help you create your optimal message, let you know exactly when each piece of mail will be received, adjust your ads as needed, and remove any extraneous costs. 

5. Insights for campaign strategy 

Data-driven insights are a game-changer. By using them, you’ll have the opportunity to define realistic objectives, easily identify your consumer profiles, create the best action plan, continuously monitor—and refine, if necessary—your campaign efforts, and release new campaigns that are data-driven. 

Without these insights, you’ll be operating blindly, and this can cause you to squander your marketing budget. Instead, get the most out of every single penny! 

6. Speed to Market

The last thing you need when you’re planning to send out a time-sensitive mailer is for it to arrive too late. Therefore, speed to market needs to be a major concern. Some direct mail companies run their business like a well-oiled machine. You can always count on us to get your mailer into the hands of your consumers on time, for example. This efficient process is part of what comes from spending more than 90 years in business. Meanwhile, a company that has less experience might struggle to ship everything in a timely fashion. Not only will this make you look less professional to consumers, but it’s also a good way to erode your ROI. 

7. Proper Printing Equipment 

If you’ve ever received a piece of direct mail that looked blurry or that seemingly ran out of room for its entire message, then you’ve got a good idea how important proper printing equipment can be. Although it’s understandable for a start-up digital marketing company to cut some corners, this shouldn’t impact the overall quality of your mailers. 

Our offset and digital printing equipment includes all major software programs, the ability to print from PC and Macintosh platforms, and a staggering 8,000 fonts. Furthermore, we use high-quality printers from well-known companies such as:

  • Canon
  • Xerox 
  • IBM
  • Hewlett Packard
  • Epson
  • Océ

That way, no one has to worry about whether your message will be rendered exactly as you’ve envisioned it. 

8. Specialized Industry Knowledge 

Being knowledgeable about direct mail is important, yet it’s equally important to have an understanding of your specific industry. Otherwise, creating the optimal strategy for your business may not be possible. Our areas of expertise include creating direct mail for: 

  • Retail brand development
  • Financial institutions
  • Healthcare
  • Nonprofits 
  • Surveys 
  • Political 
  • Union communications 
  • Automotive 
  • And more! 

In other words, whether you want to advertise a political candidate or increase awareness of your local retail business, we have the necessary skills to help you make a difference. 

How to find the right Direct Mail Marketing Company 

As a marketing manager/director, it’s vital to have a good understanding of your company’s ultimate goals. If you’re not getting exactly what you want from your current direct mail marketing company, you may need to switch to a business that has experience working with your industry

As mentioned above, this will help ensure the optimal strategy for getting your phone to ring more often! It’s also a proven way to get the best possible ROI for each campaign. 

Accessible, Responsive Direct Mail Partners 

Your direct mail partner needs to be accessible and responsive at all times. They also need to act as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all your marketing needs. By working with a fully integrated direct mail services company, you’ll receive better results, more transparency, and increased ROI. Century Direct has daily and weekly team check-ins, which we utilize to keep every project on time and on budget. Experience the difference of working with a direct mail team that has been in business since 1932! 

Are you ready to make the switch to a professional, highly experienced direct mail marketing company? Contact our team to get started! 



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This post was written by Eric Seid