JMG drove up auto sales by 400%-500% by mailing prospects with stand-out personalized envelopes.

Direct mail that triggers action. 

In the high-pressure world of auto dealerships, making the monthly quota of car sales is not just  a good thing. It’s everything. Vehicle sales depend  largely on prospecting mail that gets noticed,  opened and acted upon. No one is more attuned  to response than JMG, which handles direct-mail  advertising for approximately 195 car dealerships,  mailing several million pieces each year. 

Over the years, JMG used various mail formats with prospects. All produced similar sales  results – until JMG test-drove something very  different. Partnering with marketing services  provider, Century Direct, JMG reached prospects with oversized “hand-addressed” envelopes.  The rest is history. “No other package comes  close to Century’s for sell-through,” states Scott  Jacobs, JMG president. The mailing resulted in a  phenomenal increase in auto sales throughout the  dealerships, a success that’s repeated each time it  mails. What’s more, it reduced mailing costs. 

From easy-to-forget mail to high impact. JMG had primarily used letter-sized envelopes  to attract potential customers. When Century  Direct, a USPS Workshare partner, suggested its  own attention-grabbing envelope, Jacobs recalls  thinking, “Wow! I have to test this.” When the  9×12” envelope arrives in the regular mail. Its large size and padding command attention, while its  amazingly realistic-looking handwritten addressing  gives it the look of an urgent personal communication.  

Personalization reaches new heights with Faux Pen Inkjet technology, a proprietary Century Direct solution. Ink  matches that of a standard blue ballpoint pen, while  an exclusive algorithm perfectly mimics handwritten  letters by slightly varying each one’s look, even adding  random “ink blobs” to simulate the natural spots where  a writer places pen on paper, leaving tiny ink pools.  

Right away, the Century mailer left the standard  envelope in the dust. It was getting opened, getting  people to call, driving them into dealerships, and  moving cars. Lots of cars. “Because letter-sized  envelopes don’t stand out, you have to use them more  often to get a response. But we use Century’s bubble  mailer once and sales are off the charts.” Plus, JMG  saves money on postal costs as the envelope is USPS  approved for full postal automation. 

“Success was instantaneous!” 

Following the first prospect mailings, “People overwhelmed the dealerships with phone calls,” says Jacobs. Most importantly, a flood of prime prospects came in. Car sales increased by an astounding 400 to  500 percent. While one letter-sized envelope had sold  

Today, “The dealerships go crazy” whenever the  distinctive envelope hits mailboxes. And it continues to  boost sales by 400 to 500 percent. “We don’t use it on  new leads,” reveals Jacobs. “Because we can’t beat it!” 

When JMG uses the envelope outside the tri-state  area, “Response is even better. No one has ever seen  anything like it. Our dealerships’ phones break!” Based  on ongoing amazing sell-through results, JMG may use  the Century Direct mailer to turbo-charge car sales in  dealerships nationwide.

For more information about our automotive direct mail marketing, contact Century Direct at (212) 763-0600 or Contact@Centurydirect.net.